DISCstyles Development Solution
is trusted by Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and businesses worldwide. DISCstyles can help
your organization achieve better communication and better results across your entire organization.
with lots of resources but at its core it is as simple as:
2. Run the program using the Facilitator Guide or just play the optional imbedded power point     videos while participants follow along in the participant guide
3. Facilitate the exercises in the facilitators guide while participants follow along in the participant
every unlimited use license includes an entire suite of training resources to help your organization implement
successful DISCStyles interventions that result in on the job performance improvement.
DISCstyles is your solution to a more productive, more collaborative workplace
Superior communication is the foundation of the most successful organizations in the world.
DISCstyles will help develop higher levels of communication and higher performing employees in every department.
DISCstyles will boost communication between employees resulting in better performing departments. Improve communication and performance across sales, accounting, administration, logistics and every level of your organization. Participants take the assessment and conduct exercises to learn their own natural behavioral style, learn new styles and learn how to more effectively work with other, sometimes conflicting, behavioral styles.
DISCstyles is your solution to empower your employees with the communication skills needed for high performance in the 21st century.
DISC styles is a complete communication solution. The assessment works with the facilitator and participant guides and the online tutorial helps participants learn more effectively how to identify and apply behavioral styles across teaming, leadership, influencing, sales/service and more.